We believe in creating a community where everyone is empowered to live a life of joy and resilience.
— SOT Malaysia

About Us

We are a diverse community of educators, speakers, coaches, artists, entrepreneurs, impact leaders, and energy and bodywork practitioners committed to fostering resilience and higher consciousness. We believe in excelling in our careers, maintaining vibrant health, experiencing profound joy and fulfillment, and building deep connections.

At the School of Thought, we support one another, inspire personal growth, and contribute our unique gifts to the world. Through transformative learning experiences and supportive networks, we aim to create meaningful change in individuals, families, and communities.

Our Vision

To cultivate adversity quotient individuals, families and communities

Our Mission

We inspire resilience in people to realize and discover their living purpose, fostering a supportive community that thrives on self-fulfilment through collective learning.

Is your heart and brain incoherent?

Being in coherence allows you to access the wisdom of your heart AND brain simultaneously. Pretty cool, right?

Tapping into the power of your heart’s intelligence and intuitive guidance can improve how you make decisions and handle challenges. Heart-brain coherence also enhances your intuition and calms your nervous system, helping you relax and go with the flow of life.

Our Holistic Approach


    Current Health
    History of Illesses
    Genetic Linege
    Substance Abuse


    Existing Mental Health Conditions
    Level of Hope


    Human Interactions
    Relationship Quality
    Intimate Relationship
    Sociopolitical Environment
    Community Connections


    Religious Faith, Practices, Coping & Support
    Spiritual Well-being
    Experiences, Practices & Needs
    Centering & Mindfulness Practices
    Connection with Society
    Meaning Making
    Sense of Awe & Wonder

Meet The Community

Get in touch with us.

Whether you have questions about our programs, want to learn more about our mission, or are interested in getting involved, we're here to help. Reach out to us using the form beside or contact us directly through the details provided.

Join Us Today!

If you are ready to surround yourself with like-minded individuals and elevate your consciousness, School of Thought is for you. Become a part of an inspiring community where you not only belong but also contribute to something greater.